About Us
The Jim Deaver Fire Academy Scholarship was established by Socorro Gonzalez-Deaver through State Center Community College District (SCCCD), a local nonprofit organization, in her husband's name to offer awards to cadets pursuing a fire service career at the Fresno City College (FCC) Fire Academy.
Fireman's Prayer
To those men and women that fight for us every day. who face the fear and uncertainty, leaving their families everyday for work, knowing the the chance of them never coming home is higher than most. whose uniform not only identifies them, but is their only line of defense against the forces they face. the only ones left in the evacuation zone, that stay there until the last possible moment. those that wake up at any time during the night, ready to respond to the call of duty. whose faces we see breaking through the flames, carrying you to safety. to some of the bravest men and women the world will ever know, risking their lives in the attempt to save others. who selflessly run into burning buildings, at raging forest fires, and stare death and fear in the eyes, with no hesitation. they are on the front lines in the war against mother nature's fury, providing the last stand to protect what we love and cherish most. remember, they have loved ones, they have interests. to the warriors of people, the fighters, the saviors. to those who are the bravest among us...
- a firefighter